Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Nation Ungovernable?

Here we go again. A commentary on what has gone wrong during the first year of a presidency.Yes, we have had presidents that seem to have had the political wand to make everything smooth, but I feel it is too early to judge the political saavy of a man who has his heart in the right place in wanting to fix the crumbling mess of years past. Yes, his cap-and-trade and health care reform may be in ruins, but thankfully, he is not one to back down. I do agree with the author, Charles Krauthammer ( who happens to be an American Pulitzer Prize winning columnist and political commentator), when he conveys "the Democrats failed because they tried to impose a left-wing agenda on a center-right country". It was not the complex bureaucratic structure of our government that failed to accept the initiatives put before them but Americans that are shaking in their boots by the economic changes and are in fear of expanding debt, either their own in the way of taxes, or nationally. For the ones who want to blame the system for Obama's struggle this first year, the author does a great job in explaining that the president needs to win over the people, as other presidents have done, as a way to ensure acceptance of his initiatives.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Another Reason for Health Care Reform

The article "Calif. insurer's rate increases draw attention of federal government", washingtonpost.com, is another example of an insurance company whose greed knows no bounds. Anthem Blue Cross justifies the rate increase of 39% for individual policyholders by saying the company is paying more than it should on care even though the parent company has seen their profits rise in the billions. President Obama's secretary of health and human services, Kathleen Sebelius, has written a letter to Anthem, sort of like calling them on the carpet. Sebelius has requested Anthem to make a full disclosure, to all policyholders, on how the premiums are divided among profits, overhead, and administration costs. This article is interesting because it drives home the fact that reform is desperately needed. Any business is in business to make a profit but to have something that is a necessity to many, then to squeeze the blood out of them to pay for that necessity, should be a crime.