Thursday, May 13, 2010

Response to 573,000 new employees

I wonder if the hiring of thousands of temporary census takers are included in the 573,000 jobs? I do not think that jobless people are counted in the unemployment rate once their benefits run out so yes the numbers could very well be a lot higher. I do agree about the huge financial issues that are hanging over our heads and it is evident in the small towns that are slowly disappearing across America and even parts of Texas. And where do those people go? To the larger populated areas to compete for the few available jobs.
I am happy for your new position and the enthusiasm you have for it. Good luck and always keep a smile!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Response to Arizona Immigration Law

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is quite upset about the immigration changes Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has signed into law. Napolitano feels there have been great gains with the present security and professes the number of crossings are down and says the new law will detract from the security already present along the border, using man power to help enforce the law. She addresses the need to sustain the efforts now being used but knows comprehensive immigration reform should be in the future.
On the other hand, Governor Jan Brewer has to deal with the after-effects that mass illegal immigration, smuggling, and terrible crimes have on her state, the state she has promised to protect. The new law basically demands that immigrants meet federal requirements to carry identity documents legitimizing their presence on American soil. Gov. Brewer realizes there might be a possibility for racial profiling but added it will not be tolerated and the law enforcement officers will be thoroughly trained. Of course the one big issue here is the large population of Mexican-Americans living in the state of Arizona and the hassles they will be faced with while trying to live their lives as American citizens.
One person looking at the big picture of handling immigration while the other person has to find ways to control an issue that affects people on a day to day basis is the way I see this controversy. Many states have tried to address immigration but the last time it was addressed nationally, with comprehensive reform under President Bush, it failed. My hat is off to Governor Brewer for making decisions for her state and not waiting for the promises of a solution to this touchy subject of immigration. There is nothing wrong with asking immigrants to obey the laws of entry into this country. Quite possibly, her action might get the ball rolling in Washington and finally the states along the border and their residents, will feel safe and secure.